Business cards are great. If you've just provided great service or sold a fantastic product, they are a perfect way of capturing your customer's attention for just a little longer. Hopefully, they will keep the business card you gave them and call on you again when needed.
This does happen and it's a brilliant feeling when it does. More often, however, the business card is misplaced and forgotten or mixed up among too many other cards. A business card is essentially a piece of paper with your contact information to help people get in touch. It is such an obvious and common way of distributing your contact details that it's easy to forget that its function is more important than the item. That function is to leave an impression - and it's directly linked to the aim of any business person - to increase sales.
If your marketing materials are not bringing you sales, they are not working and you should stop using them. If they are not bringing enough sales, you should replace them with alternatives. I'm sure you know that getting a repeat sale is easier than getting a new sale. To increase your chances even more, provide your excellent product or service as you normally do, and then surprise your customer with an innovative version of your business card. People are more likely to keep items that are useful, so why not combine: a satisfied customer - with a useful item - with your name on it - and increase conversions. Below are five great ideas to replace your business card:
The novelty of getting a mint case as well as a business card will impress prospective clients
Flat, credit-card size mint containers certainly resemble the classic business cards in their shape and size. They are your choice if you expect a call-back soon, though - because once the mints are finished, the container will likely be discarded. If you are feeling even more enterprising, match the shape of the container to your business offering or brand. Shapes to choose from include: house, van, circle, or heart. You could also choose a cube with different printing on each side to stress the different features of your product or service.
Letter openers are unusual items that your customers probably won't own already
The letter opener is a surprisingly uncommon item on people's desks or in their homes. I say surprisingly, because it's such a useful item - I use one every day. This usefulness combined with rarity means that your client will see your name every day when they open their letters. When choosing letter openers as your business cards, keep in mind they have a sharp blade so make sure it is suitable for your client.
Keyrings come in a wide range of styles and shapes so you can choose one that perfectly suits your brand
If you know that your client will need your services outside of their home, e.g. car repair services or opticians, then you can replace your business card with a keyring. The range of choices means you can make your giveaway as cheap and cheerful or as premium and exceptional as you need it to be. Keyrings also give you the option of adding an extra functionality as they often double up as bottle openers, torches, lens cleaners and many more. This gives you the opportunity to tie in this functionality with your brand or with what your business doees.
A fridge magnet will remain on your client's fridge for a long time, keeping your branding visible for years
If you provided a great service to your customer at their home, e.g. plumbing, gardening, computer repair or cleaning, give them a fridge magnet. They can stick it on their fridge - a central position of their home - without getting lost, and have your contact details always at hand. Soon enough they will need your services again or be on the phone to a friend needing your services and you will receive a call.
There are a huge range of pens available - plastic ones if you're on a budget and metal varities for luxury brands
There is a reason why promotional pens are the single most popular corporate gift. They work. Everyone needs a pen and it is a consistently well-kept item. They are a classic printed gift for their usefulness and versatility. Give pens with your details away freely and watch your sales go up.
All items above are affordable and most can be printed in full colour. If you’re a small business, why not even put a picture of yourself on the merchandise to make sure your customers can immediately recall who they got the product from. These gifts are a great investment and you will soon reap the rewards in the increased repeat sales!
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