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7 Ways Corporate Bottle Openers Can Be Used to Market Your Business

7 Ways Corporate Bottle Openers Can Be Used to Market Your Business

We have already proven that bottle openers make brilliant corporate gifts thanks to them being handy, versatile and long-lasting. But they can be made even more effective if you consider where and how you will get your branded bottle openers to clients. The following are tried and tested methods of distrbuting bottle openers - choose one or mix and match these techniques to suit your business needs.

1. Give bottle openers away as purchase incentives

Promotional bottle openers come in lots of affordable plastic varieties that you won't mind giving away to promote your brand. If you work in the food or drink industry you could offer your customers a free branded bottle opener alongside of other purchases to provide extra incentive for them to buy from you. People will love getting a little something for free!

To make them more appealing, print your promotional bottle openers with bright, eye-catching colours, or choose a novelty shape that will grab customers' attention. You can then advertise the offer in your shop and give them to customers when they reach the till.

2. Include bottle openers in direct mail

People get lots of letters through their letterbox each day and so your direct mailers can easily be forgotten or ignored during the morning rush. Giving your promotional literature a boost by enclosing a corporate bottle opener inside the envelope will make it more appealing for recipients, making your literature more likely to get read.

Acrylic Insert Bottle OpenerA flat, acrylic bottle opener will slip nicely into an envelope for you to mail out

Choose a promotional bottle opener that is light in weight and has a flat profile so that will fit easily into an envelope. This is a good method of distribution if you run an online business and want to reach out to potential new customers.

3. Use bottle openers at events, concerts and festivals

Branding at events should be consistent. You can keep your brand in people's minds using practical, well-placed branded merchandise alongside posters, banners and t-shirs work by your representatives or stewards. Whether you are hosting a swanky corporate do or running a booth at a festival, having branded bottle openers for guests and customers to use will get your branding seen whilst also serving a clear purpose.

You can use these bottle openers in conjunction with other branded items such as drinks glasses, name badges and/or crockery. Just remember to keep your colouring and design consistent across all channels.

4. Keep bottle openers in your staff room

It is not only your customers who benefit from a strong sense of brand identity - employees do too. Workers also appreciate any efforts you make to ensure the office is a pleasant and relaxed environment. Branded bottle openers can achieve both of these things when printed with your logo and left in the staff room or kitchen. They will help keep the company brand and ethos at the forefront of employees' minds, as well as being the much needed tool to crack open an orange juice during break time, or a beer at the end of the day.

Novelty Bottle OpenerA novelty bottle opener with a weighted bottom will stand up and be more eye-catching for people around the office

Printing your logo and slogan on these bottle openers will help instil your company ethos into workers' minds. Choosing a fun, novelty shape will also help them remember what a great place they work in!

5. Give bottle openers away at trade shows

In order to make your presence felt at a trade show you should have something to offer those who visit your stand - and not just a business card! A bottle opener will be seen as handy and different and is far more likely to be kept, so your business's details won't be forgotten after the event.

Choose a keyring bottle opener that can be easily slipped onto someone’s keys or zipper so that it doesn’t get lost. And make sure the bottle openers are visible to passersby so that they are drawn over to your stand.

6. Give bottle openers away instead of business cards

It's not just at trade shows that bottle openers can replace business cards. They can be used in day-today business transactions and are particularly apt if you run a catering or food and drink related company. There are plastic card-shaped bottle openers that even resemble business cards, so they can fit all of the same information on them.

Plastic Bottle OpenerA flat bottle opener can easily function as a business card

Choose a plain coloured background for your bottle opener and print it with your logo, phone number, email address and website to make sure people can get back in touch easily.

7. Give more than one bottle opener to each person

You can double the reach of your branding by giving two bottle openers to each person and asking them to "Pass it on". This is a useful tactic if you are a small business or start-up that is trying to get it's name heard. Recipients will be more than happy to give a bottle opener to a friend, and this will also cause them to strike up conversations about your brand with other potential customers.

Browse Bottle Openers >>

If you need more advice on any of these distribution techniques we would be glad to offer advice over the phone - just call 020 8942 5405. If you are interested in purchasing some bottle openers to market your business, take a look at our bottle opener and bottler opener keyring ranges.

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