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Corporate Gifts Blog

How an Americano Mug was Used to Raise Environmental Awareness #CleverPromoGifts

How an Americano Mug was Used to Raise Environmental Awareness #CleverPromoGifts

An environmentally consciouss cafe in Korea, Green Cate, decided spread the message of caring for trees in their "Use Mug, Save Tree!" campaign.

When customers got their coffee, they would see a tree on the sleeve of their disposable cup. When the sleeve is removed, you could see a sut down tree, representing what happens, when people use disposable cup.

Use Mug, Save Tree Campaign

The cafe wanted to encourage customers to use regular cups and the rate of using a mug has increased from 30% to 55% within a month of introducing the clever printed cups.

To use a reusable cup in your campaign, why not try our promotional Americano mugs, that can have a mix&matched coloured sleeve! Call us now on 01204 577 995!

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