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Corporate Gifts Blog

Promotional Bus Logo Bugs with Magnetic Feet are a Hit! #ByUKCorpGifts

Promotional Bus Logo Bugs with Magnetic Feet are a Hit! #ByUKCorpGifts

These gorgeous bus logo bugs proved popular when they were distributed in Edinburgh. They spread awareness about the day tickets that are available for travel - the information is printed on the ribbons attached to each bug. These bugs were colour matched to represent the burgundy colour of the Lothian Buses brand. They also have an extra magnetic attachment under their feet, which means they can be sttuck to any metal object with ease.

These promotional logo bugs are an example of how a personalised gifft can represent your brand well. The fuzzy bugs are effective and fun!

Logo Bugs

Cheap and cheerful, these are great for festivals and events

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Lothian Buses Logo Bugs


Logo Bugs with Magnetic Feet


Logo Bugs with Magnetic Feet

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