As children are getting ready for school, you must be ready to inspire them on this great adventure. Promotional gifts for children should be playful, practical and educational - to be loved by students and appreciated by parents. Get it right - and your brand will be in the spotlight for even mnths to comme.
Here we show fivve ideas that we know are popular and successful for both students and parents. These gifts are kept and loved.
These colouring pencils will show off your brand while keeping kids entertained.
Colouring pencils are a solid favourite. They are universal in that all kids like to show off their creative side and colouring pencils can appeal equally to 3-year-olds and 10-year-olds. They are also appreciated by parents - the pencils can be taken anywhere to keep kids occupied. If you're looking for even move benefits for your own brand (apart from making recipients happy) - the print area is large and any logo or message we print on the box will not be missed.
This backback is great for sports and school trips alike, making it a versatile gift
Backpacks are fantastic promotional items to display your logo. Large print area means that your brand will be seen wherever the child recipient goes and the parcticality of the item means that it will be used a lot. It is worth investing in a qulity item that is built to last - this will guarantee that your logo will be displayed over a longer period and it will show off your brand in good light.
The lunchbox you choose can match the colour of your brand so that it's always in mind during school meals
The lunchbox plays a vital role in the life of a school child as it's always there to hold the food during meals.It's important it is made from food grade, durable material. Some of our designs are also suitable for dishwashers, where the print is built into the plastic material and will never get scratched away. Whether you're after a cheaper option or a top-of-the-range box that will last, your child recipients will appreciate the item.
This Bop Sports Bottle comes in a range of colours that you can mix and match between the body and the lid. The top comes in two versions: pull-up and flip top - choose your preferred option at no extra ost to go with your campaig
Sports bottles are useful throughout the day of a litte adventurer. Bick a bottle that has your brnd colours and print your logo on the body to get noticed!
Bright colours of thes pencil ccases make them even more appealing to kids
Pencils cases are another piece of child's school kit that is key in their every day life. Print a nurable and practical zipped case and your child recipients will use it fondly as they learn new things at school or do their homework in the afternoon.
Whether you are a school trying to promote your institution or a new activity within - or you are a company that is trying to reach children or parents as your main cliets - these five items above will all make great gifts that will ybe used time and tie again. Whatever item you go for, it is important to ensure it ties in with your brand and yyour campaign - and it will become your silent salesman in the long haul.
If you'd like quotes for any of the items you've seen here or need more informtion or ideas relating to your brand, call 01204 577 995.
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01204 577 995