01204 577 995

Corporate Gifts Blog

Promotional Stress Toy Owl that Gives a Hoot about Data #ByUKCorpGifts

Promotional Stress Toy Owl that Gives a Hoot about Data #ByUKCorpGifts

The promotional stress toy we produced for Kognitio - a major data specialist was a branding success. The shape mimics the owl logo of the company and the blue goes with the company branding. It's great all our stress toys can be produced in any colour, so that we can create corporate gifts like this! The promotional owl stress toy stands tall at 80 mm and is part of a huge selection of promotional stress toys that we offer.

Promotional Education Owl Stress Toy

We have hundreds of stress toy shapes that fall under animals, food, professions, body parts, industry tools and many more! Anyone is sure to find something that will represent your brand in a fun way - and if you are still struggling - call us on 01204 577 995 to have a corporate gifts specialist advise you on your options!

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