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Corporate Gifts Blog

Promotional Stress Toy Ensures Stress Free Communications for BT #CleverPromoGifts

Promotional Stress Toy Ensures Stress Free Communications for BT #CleverPromoGifts

BT Blackberry wanted to emphasise the 'stress-free' aspect of their phone service, so they came up with a direct mail piece that embodied this message perfectly - a promotional stress toy!

The realistic looking Blackberry shaped stress toy was sent out to prospective customers, accompanied with the slogan 'For stress-free business communications, try a real Blackberry from BT'.

Promotional Blackberry Stress ToyThe stress toy was printed to look exactly like a Blackberry, including the buttons and even the screen icons

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We love how much the stress toy looks like a real phone, thanks to some clever and detailled design work. And the simplicity of campaign means it could be recreated by a number of other industries. If you would like to promote the de-stressing qualities of your business, you could benefit from promotional stress toys too! We have a wide range of stress toys to choose from, including ones relating to the construction, health & beauty, and sports industries.

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