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Corporate Gifts Blog

The Top 10 Promotional Office Essentials

The Top 10 Promotional Office Essentials

There are certain items that you just can't do without when you work in an office, so if your business tends to attract clients or partners who work in an office environment, handy desktop gifts are a great way to impress them. By giving customers something that they find useful and appreciate, you will ensure they have a positive, lasting impression of your brand.

Here are the 10 best corporate gifts for office workers.

1. Mouse Mat

Mouse MatPromotional mouse mats are great if you want to include a lot of branding and information thanks to their wide, flat surface

Browse Mouse Mats >>

2. Screen Cleaner

Screen CleanerThis computer screen cleaner also features a handy keyboard brush

Browse Screen Cleaners >>

3. Desktop Calendar

Desk CalendarA promotional calendar will be a prominent item on the recipient's desk and gain you a year's worth of brand exposure!

Browse Desktop Calendars >>

4. Paperclip Holder

Paperclip HolderIf you want to give a more unusual gift, a magnetic paperclip holder is likely to be something your customers don't have already have

Go to Paperclip Holder >>

5. Note Pad

Note PadNote pads often come with handy extra features, like pens attached or sticky notes on the inner cover

Browse Note Pads >>

6. Mug

MugEveryone needs a hot drink to keep their energy levels up at work, so a mug is sure to be a highly-used and valued gift

Browse Mugs >>

7. Pen

PenPens are very popular promotional gifts, but you can make them a bit more special by presenting them in a matching case

Browse Pens >>

8. Tape Dispenser

Tape DispenserPromotional tape dispensers come in different sizes and shapes to suit different brands

Browse Tape Dispensers >>

9. Eraser

EraserErasers are fun, colourful gifts that can also be moulded into novelty shapes to impart a playful brand image

Browse Erasers >>

10. Stapler

StaplerA decent stapler is an office must-have, so clients and their colleagues will love you for providing them with one

Browse Staplers >>

There are lots of other promotional office gifts that aren't on the list, so check out our whole range if nothing here tickles your fancy! We're also more than happy to make recommendations, so call 01204 577 995 to speak to one of our team.

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