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Corporate Gifts: How to Use Them at Trade Shows

Corporate Gifts: How to Use Them at Trade Shows

Trade shows are an excellent location for business people to meet and interact with customers, network with suppliers and competitors, create a buzz around a new product or service and generate new business leads. But planning, organising, attending and following through on the event can seem like a daunting task. It is important to give yourself sufficient time beforehand to plan everything thoroughly - this will ensure that you don't have any unforeseen challenges and that everything runs smoothly. For more tips on having a productive trade show event, read this article by business founder and CEO Henry Schuck.

Trade ShowHaving a branded gift to offer people who visit your stall will ensure you're remebered

If you already have a good grip of how to organise a trade show and are in the planning stages, you are probably considering using promotional products as part of your display, and as giveaways for customers and business contacts. Here are a few suggestions and ideas on things you can do to maximise the effectiveness of your promotional gifts at trade shows.

Be Creative

Promotional Power Saver ButtonPower saver buttons are tech-friendy and practical gifts for the environmentally conscious

Don't be lazy with your choices of gift - mugs and pens are appropriate promotional products in lots of situations, but at a trade show with hundreds of your competitors around, you need to stand out. Try to find promotional products with a strong link to your business. For example, a tech company would obviously use some kind of gadget, but if your tech business puts an emphasis on power saving, ecologically friendly products, you could incorporate this into your promotions by giving people handy power saver buttons. There are hundreds of choices of corporate gifts out there so there is really no excuse not to have something original that customers will find interesting. It is also beneficial to have a range of objects - some can form part of your display, such as stylus pens that visitors can pick up to write down your details, and some can be giveaways. Items with a novelty aspect are a good idea for giveaways, as recipients will want to go off and show them to other people, who in turn will be encouraged to visit your display. Novelty USB gifts are a good choice, as not many people will have seen a USB cup warmer or desk fan before.

Use Gifts in Your Invitations

Before the event takes place it is helpful to let business contacts, potential customers and suppliers know about it. Even if they are already aware, receiving an invitation from you directly will make them feel welcome and encourage them to seek you out once they’ve arrived. You can increase the likelihood of guests attending by including a small promotional item with the invitation. A keyring, pen or notepad will not cost too much to send via direct mail, and you can include a message or call to action alongside of it like: "Use this ballpen to take notes at the event. See you there!" Another idea would be including one half of a set of promotional products. You could include a mouse mat in your mailer, with a promise that they will receive a matching computer mouse at the trade show. Make sure to give them all the information they need to attend the event in your mailer as well. Include times, dates, directions etc. You could also include your newsletter to ensure they understand what your business does and how it could benefit them.

Combine Gifts and Social Media

Promotional Stress ThumbThis Facebook like stress toy will encourage people to visit your page

You can create more of a buzz around your booth or stall by adding a digital element to your promotions. For example, giving out gifts with a QR code that the customer can scan to access more information online is a great way to engage them and get them to visit your website or Facebook page. You could also print your gifts with hashtags in order to encourage people to tweet about you. Invent your own personal business hashtag before the event and start tweeting about it to your followers to get people in the know before the trade show has even begun. Then, when you hand out corporate gifts with the hashtag, include a CTA asking them to tweet about you. You can also run competitions from your stall - organise a prize draw or have a caption competition. These will be enhanced if you use social media to publicise what’s going on, and you can announce winners via Facebook and Twitter too.

Follow Up Sales Lead Quickly!

Promotional LolliesSweet promotional gifts are always great for following up an event

It's important not to leave it too long before contacting new customers again after your trade show. If you have made a good impression on people, don't let them forget about it! In the hours and days after the trade show your business will be fresh in their minds and if you have given them a promotional product they won't have had a chance to lose or forget about it yet. If they have given you their contact details you could call, email or even send a text with more information about your products or site. Or you could use promotional products in mailers to thank people for attending the event. Write thank you cards and accompany them with something cute or personal for them to keep, like a cuddly toy keyring or a card wallet, subtly branded with your logo. This will make them feel valued, and like you really appreciate their custom. It will also make you seem like a caring and trustworthy business that they will want to buy from.

Gauge Customer Reactions

Whilst the event is happening you can already be planning for your next one. Take note of which of your gifts are getting the best response. Ask people what they think of your information and find out if you are missing out on anything. Not only will this make you seem genuinely concerned with their experience but you will gather valuable information to improve trade show performance next time. Also make sure to look at other businesses' displays and see what they are doing. You might spot a popular trend that you could benefit from, or even spot a way to set yourself apart from everyone else. This way, you can make sure that your next trade show is even better!

Browse Giveaways >>

We hope you have found this article helpful, and would love to hear your response in the comments. Do you have any ideas for using promotional gifts at trade shows that we haven’t mentioned? Please tell us. Or, if you have any questions, get in touch via 01204 577 995. 

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