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Corporate Gifts - The Best Choices for Back to School Promotions

Corporate Gifts - The Best Choices for Back to School Promotions

It is getting to be that time of year again, as the weather turns cooler and the 1st of September looms on the horizon. As children, teens and students prepare to knuckle down and start studying, we marketers should be labouring hard too, to make the most of the fantastic branding opportunities that the start of the academic year offers.

It is not only schools and educational services that should be active at this time of year either - all brands can put a "back to school" slant on their promotions. Even financial services and consultancy firms will have customers whose children are starting school again. All you need to do is choose an angle that suits your organisation or business, whether that be marketing to kids, parents or teachers.

Giving promotional gifts to your target audience to help them out at this busy time of year, is a sure fire way to show that you're engaged with your customers, and that you're generous and willing to help. This will increase the likelihood that they will use your services again! In order to really impress, you need to choose a quality gift that will make recipients feel valued. Here are 5 great school themed options that can be adapted to your business needs, and your brand:

1. Pencil Cases

Promotional Nylon Pencil CaseColourful pencil cases are great gifts for children after their summer holidays are finished

Everyone needs one, whether its a fancy wooden box with ruler measurements on the lid, or a basic zip up variety. Brightly coloured ones are perfect for kids going back to school, whilst more grown-up styles will appeal to students who are looking to reduce their expenditures as they head back to uni. There are plenty of ways to distribute pencil cases, but one of the best is at events such as freshers fairs, and community gatherings. Having stalls with free giveaways will give your business a generous brand image. You can even throw in a few pencils and pens to further emphasise your caring qualities.

Browse Pencil Cases >>

2.Lunch Boxes

Promotional LunchboxA promotional lunch box will be used every day, keeping your brand on show

If you run any kind of food related business, giving away lunch boxes around this time of year is a great way to get involved with the back to school preparations. For example, a health food shop could give away lunch boxes with purchases over a certain amount, and could print the front of the box with some healthy food suggestions! Lunch boxes needn't be marketed just to kids. There are plenty of stylish grown up varieties available too. Plus, its often the parents who choose this particular item, so making them appeal to adults as well is a great route to go down. Mums and dads contemplating a year of daily packed lunch making will appreciate a box with handy compartments and a practical design.

Browse Lunchboxes >>

3.Drawstring Bags

Promotional Reflective Drawstring BagReflective drawstring bags will keep kids safe while being practical too!

Promotional drawstring bags will help kids carry their gym kit or spare shoes to school. It is a great practical item with a huge print area - two top features of perfect corporate gifts. Drawstring bags look equally good with the school logo or with a logo of a local business or a sports organisation. The range of sizes, materials and colours - including environmentally friendly and high visibility options - means there will be something to match every purpose and every brand. Both kids and parents will appreciate this gift and you'll get extra brownie points for the high perceived value - even though these bags are in fact inexpensive!

Browse Drawstring Bags >>

4. Mugs with Spoons

Promotional Spoon MugPromotional mugs with spoons are great corporate gifts for teachers

Now for something a little bit different. Teachers are often forgotten in back to school promotions as the focus is placed squarely on the kids who are heading back in their droves. If your business or organisation is one that serves a particularly high number of teachers, you could get them on side by providing them with their very own mug and spoon to keep in the staff room. They will never have to wash up other peoples’ cups in order to enjoy a nice cup of tea again, making them eternally grateful to you! Other teacher focused gifts are also available, such as pens pots, coasters and desktop organisers. Of course, make sure you know who your customers are before deciding on a gift - it's no good focusing on teachers if most of your clients are plumbers! It's important to research your audience demographics so that you can tailor your marketing to their needs. Browse Mugs with Spoons >>

5. Art Sets

Promotional Art SetBranded art sets will encourage kids to get creative

These colourful sets containing pencils, paints and crayons will be loved by kids who are dreading going back to the boredom and blandness of school and uniforms. Arty gifts could not only benefit schools but also businesses who have a creative or design element, such as ad agencies or logo designers. There are lots of different sizes of sets, so if you're thinking these are a gift that would be awkward to mail, think again! There are some incredibly compact varieties that could be sent out as lumpy mail.

Browse Back to School Gifts >>

Do any of these gift ideas suit your business? Or are you in need of something completely different for your back to school promotions? If so, you can find loads more choices in our schools range.

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01204 577 995

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