01204 577 995

Corporate Gifts Blog

Do You Want Cheap Promotional Items?

Do You Want Cheap Promotional Items?

I've lost count of the times we are approached by customers looking for cheap gifts. This is the actual specification that they give. "Something cheap I can give away. I'm on a tight budget.” – they say. We do as they say - we have a great range of cheap products, from stickers, through logo bugs to pens. We always strive to provide the best value on whatever budget our clients are on.

A common attitude is that businesses don't want to spend money on something they will give away and it's seen almost like throwing money down the drain. I'll be honest - corporate gifts could be throwing money down the drain if they're not the right items.

When you think of corporate gifts, think of them as investment, not cost. They are supposed to work for you and bring you more sales (or votes/ donations/ visitors/ etc.). If chosen poorly, they can be expensive even if you go for cheap gifts. If chosen to fit and support your brand, and if they bring you good sales, they will be cheap even if they cost 10 pounds each.

When choosing the promotional item, think of your target market. Put yourself in their shoes and understand what makes them use your services.

Corporate gifts are a means to a goal. Consider your goal when choosing them.

Let's assume you sell swimming pools. If you're going to exhibit at the Home Show, what will be a successful outcome? If it is, say, 50-100 quality leads - think whether it will be better to buy 1,000 of inexpensive pens that you give to any person passing the stand (if you put it in a bowl, some teenager is bound to just grab a handful and walk away without saying a word) or 100 quality pens that you give only to people that you speak to? The second option will mean that you concentrate on the right people and focus on talking to them and presenting your great product. The visitor will feel special and appreciated for receiving a more unique and quality item that not everyone got. If the pen looks good and demonstrates quality, they are likely to keep it and to have a positive impression of you. I'm guessing your target market is not the teenager with the attitude, but the gentleman that spoke to you about his garden space and where the swimming pool would fit in. Think of that gentleman when choosing your product. Promotional Pens ChoiceCost should be only one of many considerations when you are choosing corporate gifts

There are of course occasions when you want to go for cheap things. The little pencils that they give away at IKEA won't break the budget and they fit the brand perfectly: simple and practical. Fridge magnets in cereal boxes are attractive not because they are worth a lot. It's because they have cool designs that engage children. Make sure that when you consider promotional gifts, you think of your customer and your goals. This will help you invest well. Our promotional consultants have experience working with different brands so don't hesitate to speak to us about your goals.

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