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Corporate Gifts Blog

Halloween Promotional Coasters by Guinness Prove a Hit #CleverPromoGifts

Halloween Promotional Coasters by Guinness Prove a Hit #CleverPromoGifts

Guiness was a niche brand in Romania and advertisers were faced with a challenge of persuading beer drinkers to swap their usual lagers for the dark drink with an unfamiliar taste. Tempo Advertising, the adency behind this campaign, took advantage of the differentiating feature of Guiness - its black colour - and how it fitted right in with the darkness of Halloween. A pint glass filled with the drink could allude to visions of creepy night creatures lurking around on the day.

The coasters have a branded round part to put your glass and an extended section that looks like a shadow of a scary creature

With a limited budget, the adency came up with black coasters in the shape of ghosts and devils, so that, when you put your pint down, it looks like the glass casts a scary shadow onto the table.

Pub-goers truly loved the idea, purchasing multiple pints to collect more of the innovative beer mats that were given away with each drink. They even took the coasters - or, shall we say, ghosters - home, which was an unexpected, positive result for the company.

If you'd like to organise a similar promotion, we have a large range of coasters, many of which can be die-cut to a shape designed by you. These include foam coasters, cork-backed coasters, PVC coasters, and even plastic coasters, that can be moulded at higher minimum quantities.

If you'd like to speak to us about your campaigna nd what we can do for you, call us on 01204 577 995.

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