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Promotional Stickers Feed New Friendships on Buses in Brazil #CleverPromoGifts

Promotional Stickers Feed New Friendships on Buses in Brazil #CleverPromoGifts

Zeze Bus Stickers The caption on the sticker reads: "Reserved seating for new friends"

Zeze biscuit brand in Rio Grande du Sol, Brazil, wanted to project a community focused, caring brand image. With help from ad agency Mark+ Agency, they came up with a campaign named "Alimentado Amizades", or "Feeding New Friendships". This campaign involved using branded stickers on buses to encourage people to start up conversations. The stickers were placed next to certain seats and contained the message that anyone sitting there must be up for a chat. They also included a pack of sticky notes containing suggestions for what to talk about.

Promotional Sticky Notes The sticky notes were used to give travellers suggestions for what to talk about with their fellow passengers

Zeze's marketing strategy went further than typical, business focused methods by actually reaching out and bringing people together. This revealed Zeze to be a truly community-focused business, and also gained them a lot of exposure as thousands of bus passengers saw the promotional stickers each week!

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This campaign shows how corporate gifts can be used in altruistic ways, not only to bring lots of brand exposure, but also to increase positive impressions of your business . You could try a similar marketing tactic with any of the promotional stickers from our range, or using promotional sticky notes.

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